This information complies with the labelling requirements of the E-Commerce Act and the Austrian Corporate Code (Unternehmensgesetzbuch). Contact persons and addresses can be found under the menu "Countries" or you can contact us directly via:

Trenkwalder Ltd.

Head office: 1303 Sofia, Bulgaria 79, Hristo Botev Blvd.

4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria 8 Naycho Tsanov Str.

+359 2 851 89 90


Business purpose:

Investment Management

Legal form: Joint Stock Company

Commercial register: Vienna Commercial Court

Registration number: 297412x

VAT NO: ATU 63642222

Database register No.: 0720607

Applicable laws:

Board Members:

Dr. Björn Schlosser (CEO)

Members of the Supervisory Board:

Evelyn Valentek, MBA

Walter P.J. Droege

Dr. Alexander Kaufmann

Dr. Ernest-Walther Droege

Dr. Jörg Kieborz

Dr Michael Raum

Ownership structure:

Trenkwalder International Holding GmbH & Co.


Diversity for us means equally attracting people of every gender, age group, ethnic group, sexual orientation, religion, belief or disability.

External links:

To the extent that this site contains external links (hyperlinks) to other sites, those linked sites are the sole responsibility of the content provider. Before building any links, Trenkwalder reviews the content of foreign landing pages for possible violations of law. However, Trenkwalder has no influence on the content of the landing pages and does not determine their content. Trenkwalder performs regular content checks of the linked pages. If Trenkwalder becomes aware of a violation of the law on a linked page, that link will be removed immediately. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and for damages resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on the linked pages, the providers of this content are solely responsible.

© Trenkwalder Group AG - 2020 - All rights reserved