We don't just solve today's problemsWe make sure you don't have any tomorrow.

We find the right talents for you from over 10,000 applications annually. We build growth through flexibility and guaranteed security.

Our clients choose to outsource primary and secondary processes because they can focus on their expertise and we can focus on ours.
With Trenkwalder's flexible outsourcing solutions, we achieve process excellence, cost reduction and ensure flexible growth.

Technology and automation help us to utilise human power in a targeted and efficient manner in the area of outsourcing and HR services.
Our values characterise us
We don't just solve today's problems, we won't have any tomorrow.
Trenkwalder identifies and develops growth potentials together with its customers and employees. Digital process expertise is used to complement and expand value creation. At Trenkwalder, we create sustainable values and growth with agile methods.
Precision and quality.
We optimize and automate processes.
We support innovation.
Security and reliability.
We take responsibility and keep our promises.
We build trust.
Strength and efficiency.
We enhance value chains.
We achieve growth.
Stable Position
You have an established market presence and a loyal customer base. You focus on increasing profitability and strengthening customer relationships and satisfaction.
Growth and Expansion
You want to enter new markets, expand your product range or increase your presence on a global level.
Innovation and Technology
You are in an innovation phase and invest heavily in research and development. You are developing new technologies or products to differentiate themselves from the competition and drive future growth.
Restructuring or Realignment
You are in a phase of restructuring or reorientation. You want to focus on new target markets, revise your business model or enter into strategic partnerships to strengthen your position in the market.
You are currently facing challenges. You are in economic difficulties and you want to take action to overcome them and improve your position.