Nikol Lamberova
5 months ago
•5 min read
HR answers the most frequently asked questions
There are questions that seem so small and familiar that we think we know the answers for sure. The truth is that these questions are often the key to our professional success. And to find out the answers, we're going to ask not just anyone, but our recruiters.
Today we would like to introduce you Ms. Sevalina Yaneva - Recruitment Team Manager. With her invaluable experience and passion for people development she gave us professional answers but in a personal way. "Because first we need to be good people and then good professionals" (her words). And what else did she share with us? You will find out in the next lines!
But before that, who is Sevalina Yaneva outside of professional life?
My name is Sevalina Yaneva, 34 years old, from Plovdiv. I am married, have a lovely 8-year-old daughter and a cute 5-year-old Yorkie dog. I graduated from Technical University - Sofia, and I am currently a Recruitment Team Manager at Trenqualder Bulgaria. About myself I can say that I am a good person who insists on friendship, honesty and fairness. I like my job and in my free time I like to dance. I love children and I have a Latin dance school. It's where I relax and express myself. I am a very outgoing person, ready to lend a hand to anyone, but allowing few people near me.
That's me, and you can find out more about my professional side in the next few paragraphs.
1. Let's start from afar. "How does your day start?
Every morning on my drive to work, I listen to my favorite music on the radio. When I get to the office, I make myself a coffee, which I drink almost all day (it's nice to drink coffee cold - anti-wrinkle 😉 ). The first thing I do when I sit down at my desk is to make a list of things I need to get done during the day. That way I can organize and prioritize work tasks easier. I prefer to get most of my work done before lunch because I feel more productive then.
2.What is the biggest challenge you face in your work?
Our work is full of challenges. All day long we interview and organize interviews with different people for different positions. For me, the best result is when I manage to convince a candidate to accept the offered position or when a colleague makes an offer to a candidate.
3.When we talk about starting a new job, one of the key elements is the CV we apply with. What is the first thing you notice in a CV?
Depends on the position I'm considering it for. I always look first at how it's structured and if it's properly written. Then I can check the age of the candidate if I have such a requirement submitted by colleagues. Not everyone can write good resumes, but that doesn't mean they aren't a good hire. We can always help with resume formatting to present candidates better.Then I format and send the information to colleagues. This way I highlight the candidates capabilities and I send a good looking profile.
4.And then what don't you like to see in a CV?
I don't like to see inappropriate photos and comments in the candidate's additional information section.
5.Many young people face the problem of no work experience. It is possible for a candidate with no experience to be preferred over a candidate with a lot of experience? If yes, why?
Yes, it is possible, and this is where a good interview performance plays a role.
6. For you, what makes you believe in a candidate and give them a chance, even if they don't have the right experience?
A personal interview with the candidate is very important because you can find out much more about the person through their behaviour. How you approach the candidate and how engaging you can be is very important!
In my opinion, you should give candidates without experience a chance, because this way you give them courage, room for expression and the opportunity to prove themselves.
7.Great! Mentioned the interview performance. Let's talk about it then. What are the top three tips you would give to candidates?
They should always try to be confident in themselves and their abilities.
It is important to arrive early and in appropriate clothing.
They should speak and present like the job is already theirs and they are part of the team.
8.And what is the best interview style? Is there a universal outfit to make sure we are dressed appropriately?
Clothes should always be suitable for the position you are going to interview for.
9.If a candidate has a choice of only one thing to improve, what would you advise them to choose? Courses, a foreign language, general culture, or something else?
To cultivate himself as a person and a virtue! Because first we have to be good people, then good professionals.
10. So, the process is two-sided. What advice would you give to our partners and, in general, to all those who stand on the other side? For example, how do they know if a candidate is a good or right and is there a difference between the two?
The right candidate will perform their tasks proficiently and the right candidate will integrate into the team, contributing to the success of the organization.
11.But how to reach them? What is the best platform for candidate search right now, in your opinion, and why?
I am all about sourcing candidates in a manufacturing environment. I use a variety of channels, but for me the most effective is Facebook. I reach the most candidates there. Not everyone can prepare a resume and apply through a job search platform. There, everyone is free to just call or email you to help them find their job. By creating job profiles for these candidates and finding them a job, I feel satisfied and know that I have done my job.
12.And what are the main things candidates look for when looking for a job? What are they willing to compromise on and what would they not change about their requirements for their future job?
Most candidates are interested in the salary first, which is normal nowadays. Everyone has bills, needs and wants to live peacefully and well. There are candidates for which the position and money are not so important. Usually these people have been in senior positions and know that the high pay requires some sacrifices, one of which is personal time, which for me is the most valuable. Time does not come back and cannot be bought with money.
We will let Sesi continue her search for the most suitable place for you, and to finish what she wants to tell you is:
It is very important to love what you do in order to get results and feel satisfaction! It is important to be kind to yourself and to others because "kindness is the only garment that does not wear out".
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